And sometimes this stuff just writes itself...

(That red circle seemed like a good idea in the sleep-deprived state I was in while scanning this, but in hindsight, you guys are probably smart enough to know what I was going for without my clunky digital circling. I apologize.)
In one fell swoop, we see there are:
- too many entomologists,
- too many right-wing conservatives,
- too many right-wing conservative entomologists (what the hell?),
- too much politics in science.
In other words, this is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.
And that might be the creepiest illustration in the history of newspapers.
Comments on "And sometimes this stuff just writes itself..."
Creepy picture, and yet it seems accurate somehow... :)
I know...maybe that's what makes it so creepy? By the way, I'm lovin' the new pic! :)
Very scary, why is it in green??? Most bugs are not good. Boy is that one big bug. You might need lots of bug spary from that!
Thanks! I got tired of being a fish :)
Don't they say that roaches can survive anything? Maybe he's one of those?
^^^Ha! So true! They say cockroaches would survive a nuclear holocaust. And actually that's a really scary thought for the future of our country...
Right wing entomologists? WTF? My brain has shut down, I can't even contemplate that!