WTF Moments in Local Editorials!

Dude. DUDE. First of all, I appreciate your newfound "interest" the subject matter of this "blog." I graciously "acknowledge" your "support" of my endeavors. Secondly, however, I have not actually read this "letter to the editor" of which you speak, but I'm fairly certain "no one" puts the word "overpopulation" in "quotes." Plus, um, you can't just pull a "totally random" example out of your "ass" and expect it to hold up as a "valid argument." What are these "numbers?" What is this about 4 people "living" in a room with 17 "empty" rooms between them? "WHAT?!" And why would we all "move to Texas?" You get our second ever "Blacklist Award" for your insane troll "logic," and for completely missing the "point" about "overpopulation" (it's less about "plots of land" for "people" to live on and more about the "resources" needed to "sustain" us all). Yeah.
Comments on "WTF Moments in Local Editorials!"
Becks - Jonathan and I laughed out loud at this entry. You're awesome : ) I'm glad you're doing all of the digging and I just get to read it in a nice, compact form. Can't wait for this weekend!!
Aw, thanks! I saw that in the CA yesterday and about died. I might make this a regular feature b/c the stuff people send in is frequently hilariously off-base. Yes, this weekend will be awesome! See you very soon!! :)
Your reply is awesome, and also, I might add, very relevant! It's all about the resources!