Competitive Eating!

"Baked Beans, Long Course
8.4 Pounds Baked Beans/ 84 Lumber
2 minutes 47 seconds/ Aug. 7, 2004
Sonya Thomas"
What is this? "Long Course?" What the hell does that even mean? Why are there so many people able to eat ungodly amounts of food in very little time? Why does this warrant an international federation? What's with the mayonnaise competition? Now there are condiment competitions? Wait, you can buy books on this? There's a STORE for the International Federation of Competitive Eating?! I'm confused, disoriented, and perhaps a bit nauseated. I need to go lie down.
Comments on "Competitive Eating!"
Only in America could you guys could come up with a federation for eating! Do you have a book yet??
That's disgusting. But I kinda wanna join. Can you earn money from being a competitive eater?
I think you can win big bucks!
I have yet to buy a book, but now I'm fascinated and might have to find one. I'm pretty sure there are people who make careers out of competitive eating...but I don't really understand the logistics of putting that much food in your body at one time. It just seems there would be dire consequences.
"dire consequences"
Doesn’t bear thinking about!