This week in crazy...cubicles!

Obviously, we have reached that point in our growth as a species in which there are no longer enough individual offices to hold us all. In response, man created the cubicle, a separation device which gives the appearance of privacy but somehow manages to deindividualize its occupant. Think of a corporate headquarters as an ant colony. You have a queen ant/boss in upper management who has a birthing chamber/corner office from which all relevant decisions are made. The rest of the drones/employees really don't have a say and live out their lives mindlessly doing whatever tasks have been assigned to them. I don't work in such an office, but if I did, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't like it. Ants are designed by nature to function in such a capacity. Humans, not so much.
And for some reason all this just makes me think of Derek Zoolander, "What is this? A school for ANTS?!" Ha ha. That was great.
Comments on "This week in crazy...cubicles!"
Zoolander!! I love that fucking film - Blue Steel! And for the record I'm never working in a cubicle - I don't care, I'll empty bins before I sit in a cubicle.
I have a quasi-cubicle, but there's only five people in my office, so it's not like I'm part of the corporate machine. And trust me, it's as close as I plan on coming. Also, Zoolander? Pretty much one of the greatest films of all time. I quote it whenever possible. *cough*cough* "I think I'm getting the black lung, Pop." *snort* Now, that would be a sequel I could get behind.
Aah! That population thing is freaking me out!
I know! Creepy, isn't it? It'll only stay if I can learn to live with it. So far, I've had to divert my eyes.