Friday, November 17, 2006

I still care!!

Just wanted to throw that out there. It doesn't make me feel any less guilty, though.

On the plus side, America listened to me and the Democrats are about to take over. I knew this blog would be revolutionary! Now, if we can just get the Democrats to listen to me when it comes to getting organized and getting stuff done...

I will be back (I'm pretty much talking to myself at this point...ignore me).

Comments on "I still care!!"


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (2:53 PM, November 21, 2006) : 

^^^ Ah, good one. :) I noticed the Gore Vidal thread over on the message board, but haven't made it over there yet. Oh, it will happen... ;)


Blogger Agnes said ... (2:07 PM, November 22, 2006) : 

smart move. To tell us to ignore you at the end ;D To late though...

Okay now you can ignore me instead :p


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Disclaimer: The contents of this blog are based solely on the opinions the author who is not affiliated with anyone. At all. Except herself. This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes. The author would never claim to be anything less than an open liberal, but she's not operating a news organization here. In fact, it's possible she's full of crap (possible, but not likely).

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