Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dead President Quote of the Week!

Check out how awesome I am: I now have a soundtrack for this blog. A soundtrack of one highly-appropriate song that I've wanted to put up here for a million and a half years but never did until yesterday. It's towards the bottom of the right sidebar and I would highly suggest hitting "play" and then sitting back and enjoying the perfection of the O.P. experience. It's one of my all-time favorites AND it's called "Too Many People." AND this is an OVERPOPULATION blog. No. I know. I'm a genius. You don't have to tell me.

("Too Many People" is the first track off of Paul McCartney's 1971 solo offering, "Ram," one of the great unappreciated records of our time. You really should buy yourself a copy if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life.)

Anyway, let's go back a bit... James K. Polk, America's 11th President! According to my 8th grade presidential report, as a child Polk "would hide in the barn and read or do arithmetic when he was supposed to be doing his chores." That may explain the origins of this quote.

"No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure."
- James K. Polk

Aw, yeah, bitches. That's what I'm talking about. It never ceases to be enjoyable to find these old quotes that are custom-made insults for the current administration.

Comments on "Dead President Quote of the Week!"


Blogger Weirdland said ... (3:36 AM, September 04, 2006) : 

I hope you don't mind, Pg, I have copied your blog-song idea, and I've added a Weezer song in Jake Weird by the moment.


Blogger britpopbaby said ... (9:28 AM, September 04, 2006) : 

And yet he had time to pose for that portrait. Only kidding - I think Big Tone takes about 11 holidays a year.


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (12:08 PM, September 04, 2006) : 

Kendra, of couse I don't mind! I'm heading over in a sec to check it out!

TBL, he didn't drink or dance either. What a fun life.

Simon, I don't know! That's not the same Colbert that I'm friends with (mine has Jesus in his top 8...ha!!!), but somehow having all those Stephen's in the top 8 seems right. I'm inclined to doubt any of them are really him or else he would say something on his show. Not sure...

Brits, way to call him out. He's a liar, isn't he? Bastard.


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (12:41 PM, September 04, 2006) : 

PG i'm going to up set you now! I really don't like Paul McCartney's! I'm back Heather!


Blogger matt of comooxdom said ... (4:59 PM, September 04, 2006) : 

Early McCartney rules!!! I'm a big 'McCartney' fan... especially Junk. I used to be able to play this until I stopped playing the guitar to take up blogging... what am I doing by the way?


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (5:49 PM, September 04, 2006) : 

PG i'm going to up set you now! I really don't like Paul McCartney's! I'm back Heather!

Who backs Heather?! NO ONE BACKS HEATHER!! Dude. I see I'm going to have to come over to Oxford soon... :)

BFS, you enjoy the brilliance of early McCartney, too?!? Is there a better song than "Every Night?" I think not.


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (10:15 AM, September 05, 2006) : 

PG if Heather get's half thats around 350 million right! Then you can marry Paul, i'll marry Heather and then will will get half of that which is still alot. Then we can get on with our plan!


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (3:43 PM, September 06, 2006) : 

Ooh, Simon. Good point!

NRM, last I hear Heather's only (only!) getting 50 mil. So that leaves me with about a billion dollars when I marry Paul...PLENTY to make our plan succeed! You might want to marry Heather just in case, though. We could always use a nest egg just in case... :)


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