Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Australopithecus afarensis!

Yes! My favorite primitive hominid. I'm not just saying that because specimen number 2 was uncovered last week...no, I love Australopithecus afarensis because a) it is the "missing link" (take that evolution naysayers!) and b) the first to be discovered was nicknamed "Lucy" after "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds." Yes, the evolutionary basis of our entire species can be found in a skeleton named after a Beatles song. Sometimes there is justice in this world. I have a soft spot for anthropoid evolution anyway. I find the whole thing fascinating. In fact I think I did a post on this a while ago, but I can't really be arsed to look for it right now. Did I just say "arsed?" Obviously I've been spending way too much time with britpopbaby. Honestly, I'm watching The Little Mermaid right now and only half my attention is going towards writing. Searching through blog archives might put me over the edge.

ANYWAY, as I not-so-subtely hinted at above, a second (and more complete) A. afarensis skeleton was unearthed last week, giving us a little more information on this ancestor of ours. This is highly exciting. It's also highly appropriate for this blog because clearly the road to Homo sapiens leads quite directly to our current overpopulation problem. But mostly, I just think it's neat.

Comments on "Australopithecus afarensis!"


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (10:50 AM, October 04, 2006) : 

I'm sure you did write something on this sort of thing PG.


Blogger livingjetlag said ... (8:01 PM, October 05, 2006) : 

Gentleman-Hobbs thinks supermodels are the missing link. An interesting theory. I was just wondering what the new Australopithecus afarensis was named. Prudence? Rita? Penny Lane?...


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