Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today in Upcoming Movies You Aren't the Least Bit Surprised I'm Excited About

The U.S. vs. John Lennon! Visit the official site. They're not helping me out on the promotional material front, so you'll just have to do with this poster which has been in heavy rotation since 1969. Still packs a punch.And, of course, the trailer.
Although, eh, not so much a fan of Yoko or Geraldo Rivera. But the rest of it looks brilliant!

Comments on "Today in Upcoming Movies You Aren't the Least Bit Surprised I'm Excited About"


Blogger Weirdland said ... (4:20 PM, September 12, 2006) : 

And aren't they also shooting another Lennon based story "Chapter 27" starring Jared Leto as Mark Chapman? Could that be a connection between the powers to be in USA enemies of Lennon ideology and Chapman or do you think he was just a nut who was on his own?


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (10:55 AM, September 13, 2006) : 

Kendra, yeah I'm not sure how I feel about Chapter 27. I really think Mark David Chapman acted alone, just a deranged fan who did a terrible, terrible thing. I'm a little leery of giving him even the credit to be portrayed on the big screen. He's not worth that.

Simon, I'm message board-bound after this. Is he really related to Al Gore? The things I don't know...

Joyce, right there with you!! Just watching the preview pumped me up. I'll probably come out of the theater wanting a revolution. :)


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (1:00 PM, September 13, 2006) : 

Dude i have to upset you again and say i don't like any of the Beatles!

I'm sorry dear! I think this and Madonna must be the only think we don't have in common!


Blogger Weirdland said ... (1:48 PM, September 13, 2006) : 

Pg, I don't think Chapman deserves to be "immortalized" in cinema, either, but I hope Jared Leto makes a bold performance. And as the master John Lennon would sayGive them a chance, Nrm!


Blogger Emma said ... (5:46 AM, September 17, 2006) : 

I actually think they are (to the message below) I heard that. Anyway... you have a very good blog here:)


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (4:48 PM, September 18, 2006) : 

Hey, thanks emmar. :)


Blogger Megan said ... (9:09 PM, September 18, 2006) : 

hey becky! i want a becky date for this movie : ) remind me of when it opens and i'll make sure i'm free that night. if it's playing at the studio, i say make it a real becky date and get a beer at bosco's. i won't have a clue of what's going on, but i'm very anti-war right now. if i catch someone else using the term 'islamo-facists' i think i'm going to have to hurt someone.


Blogger Emma said ... (7:35 AM, September 21, 2006) : 

This blog is incredible.


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