Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dead President Quote of the Week! And More!

Maybe this should be like the Dead President Quote of Two or Three Weeks, since I sort of dropped the ball on my one supposedly regular feature. Oh, yeah, baby. JFK. Arguably America's most attractive President (although I have yet to meet anyone willing to argue that point). He's got classic quotes in spades, but I really like this one:

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. "

Also, Wesntia linked to this fabulous editorial in the comments section and I feel the need to pimp it. I am so pissed by this whole "blame Clinton for 9/11" bullshit. I'm officially Blacklisting the entire ABC television network for cashing in on the 5-year anniversary of September 11 with their conservatively-charged made-for-TV "dramatization" and hereby inserting this preposterous notion into the public's consciousness. The seeds sown there led directly to the charges Clinton answered last Sunday on Fox. Bush has yet to say anything worth hearing on the matter. There are a lot of people to blame, but somehow, as has become a noticeable trend these past 6 years, the ones who should be held accountable never are.

Comments on "Dead President Quote of the Week! And More!"


Blogger Ninni said ... (1:00 PM, September 28, 2006) : 

Glad you liked it :)

Heh, Olbermann is the reason why I'm sorry I don't have MSNBC. He's quite overdramatic at times - especially if you watch the videos - but pffft, all the better really.

This one's good, too, and on the same topic:

The last part made me laugh out loud because it was so...well.


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (3:19 PM, September 28, 2006) : 

PG i'm very upset with Clinton right now!

Take a look!


Blogger Ninni said ... (3:04 AM, September 29, 2006) : 

Already checked the two first links, will get back to you on the third.

In the meanwhile, while we're comparing Clinton and Bush I do think that economics is possibly the biggest difference. I mean, c'mon:
(the red meaning Bush and bright blue Clinton)

Any economist would say that war is by far THE most stupidest thing you can do to a country's economy (ask Germany), especially the US that already had worrying signs of pretty much everything from consumer debts to stagflation (=inflation during recession, basically means the shit has hit the fan...ask 1970's). Honestly. Why the United States is not bankrupted already is beyond me.


Blogger Ninni said ... (4:05 AM, September 29, 2006) : 

Oh and speaking of environment, this picture scares the shit out of me:

It's not photoshopped...


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (7:22 PM, October 03, 2006) : 

Damn, you guys do your homework! I'll admit I haven't read through everything yet. I promise I will. Wesntia, did you find that third link?? And that picture makes me SICK!! And Simon, sometimes I get terrified thinking about the media. *shudder* I'll be back...


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