Wednesday, October 25, 2006

That time I was at the filming of The Daily Show...

...obviously the Powers That Be caught wind of my being the audience because Stephen Colbert gave me a nice little shout-out at the end of the show. Seriously. He even got Oprah involved.

If you would like to read more about my adventures in TV Land, you can find a full recap here (amongst recaps of lots of other things and there are even pictures to prove I'm not making any of this up).

I figured I owed this blog a little love since it's been so neglected of late. And the Republicans are FLOUNDERING! I mean, completely out on their asses! And I haven't even been able to relish in it as I am insanely busy pretty much all of the time...although what am I doing? I couldn't even tell you. I don't know. I just always know that there's never enough time. Never enough. ;)

Comments on "That time I was at the filming of The Daily Show..."


Blogger Nothing Really Matters said ... (2:38 PM, October 27, 2006) : 

PG TV how cool is that!


Blogger Becky Heineke said ... (9:09 AM, November 01, 2006) : 

^^^ WTF? That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. What will post now??!


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Disclaimer: The contents of this blog are based solely on the opinions the author who is not affiliated with anyone. At all. Except herself. This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes. The author would never claim to be anything less than an open liberal, but she's not operating a news organization here. In fact, it's possible she's full of crap (possible, but not likely).

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