Or, since it's just the primaries, I guess it's technically Polling-for-Who-Should-Be-in-the-Election Day. Still highly important! I cast my vote early, so dire predictions of long lines and grumpy poll workers don't really apply to me. They did, however, apply to me last Friday when I early voted and had to wait in line for close to an hour and a half. The officials were saying it was taking about 13 minutes for each person to cast their votes, and there were only 7 machines where I voted (the Methodist church). It took me about 4 minutes once I finally got in because I wasn't one of the people standing there with my "Conservative Voting Guide" pamphlet carefully going through all the candidates. The woman behind me in line was commenting on how excited she was that there were so many Republicans voting, so I made sure to loudly declare my party as "Democrat!" when it was my turn to vote.
When it comes to voting, I'm all about quick decisions. I was there to vote for Harold Ford, Jr. as the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, but once that was done, I didn't have any strong convictions one way or the other. My strategy is always the same: vote for the Democrat; if there's more than one Democrat, vote for the woman; and if you get a chance to kick someone out of office, do it. I'm all about change.
So, my fellow citizens, please vote today, even if you choose not to use my highly scientific method of ballot-casting. And Simon, I saw your friend Ned Lamont on "
The Colbert Report" a couple nights ago. I'd vote for him!
Comments on "It's Election Day!"
PG i could not think of a more highly scientific method of casting my vote! Hope evreything goes your way!
I have just thought of another plan! We can get you into power then we can carry on with thr rest!
I'm drooling profusely over that smiling pic, Pg, and you know so well Who-Shouldn't-Be-in-the-Election Day!
I thought it was an excellent picture for the topic. I've actually used it before over here, but it never gets old.
TBL, I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you. May God be with the state of Connecticut.
And NRM, you may have a point... Power will be essential in completing our plan. The more friends in high places, the better (especially if they're me!!). ;)
Senate PG has a good ring to it don't you think? Maybe Senate Pussy?
Thanks for the link, Simon.
I liked the realist last one quote: "You want a friend in Washington?
Get a dog".
He could see the forest for the trees.
He saw the larger picture and addressed that.
Not lost in the woods trying to find a way out.
You're really expressive, Simon.
I am a obsessive quotes fan, but I didn't know H.S. Truman was so eloquent. It's so difficult for free-thinkers wannabes being able to see the forest and the trees included in it. Sometimes I barely realise that there is a forest and not a desert, lol
^^^ Yes, but. Different times, different circumstances, and he was haunted ever after, wasn't he? At least he had a conscience. Needless, yes, THANKS, Simon, and you've inspired me. I think I'll start a "Dead Presidents Quote of the Week!" Seriously. A little wisdom from the past never hurt anyone!
How about the person who said it didn't mean one word of it? Also, do you guys not vote until Tuesday? I was trying to find out the primary results and all I found was reference to August 8th.
When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril.
well, that's fine but, what about all non-American people silenced by US government around the world?
happy valentines day quotes