Stewart/Colbert '08!

(For those who aren't American, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report (with Stephen Colbert) are "fake news" shows that cleverly mock American news programs. The irony is that they tend to report a more concise and less-biased look at world events than most actual news programs...and still get away with saying things like, "[The current administration is full of] fucking idiots!" - actual quote from Jon Stewart last night. Alas, neither Stewart nor Colbert are politicians.)
Comments on "Stewart/Colbert '08!"
We have some shows like that over here. They dress like the news readers and try and look like them it's so funny!
Heh. TBL, I'd take either ticket...but Colbert on the top would have it's advantages. :D
There's some people over here that has tried to do that, but they haven't been that funny :(
But I think our news over here are quite good and sincere, or I'm totally brainwashed... At least it's not like it used to be in Italy, where Berlusconi ruled the country AND owned like all networks and newspapers - democracy anyone...?
As for the US, right now it seems like anything would be better than the current administration, but those kind of statements usually backfire, don't they...
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In Spain it's hosted by Manel Fuentes a similar show mocking politicians "Caiga Quien Caiga" at Tele5
I miss that hilarious sitcom "That's my Bush!" I only watched a few episodes in TV3 catalan TV(Parker and Stone rule).
LOL!! I'm with you on that one tbl!! :)
I think the guy is more of a tragedy than comedy... I wish I knew the S/C show, sounds well funny!
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Bugger bugger, that was me with the last two deleted comments, there is something dodgy going on here... if you can't see the whole link Im trying to paste here thats because blogger is sick!!
Check this link
^^^ HA! That's like the greatest thing ever! Looks like a clever Photoshop job to me...although TBL? You're a Connecticut person, right? Any insight?
Yeah, I've been watching the story unfold with increasing horror every night on the news. What a horrible, horrible mess!!! I mean, seriously, when is this shit going to end?!
LMAO!! :)
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Here you have an informal GB impeachment petition
Nice one, Kendra! God, doesn't that just make you sick? 'Cause it's so true! :(
instead, it will be because they are the only alternative to voting Republican.
EXACTLY! But I still have some margin of faith that once they gain the power (because I really think they will this time around) they will do something with it. The party is in trouble, but I don't think it's a lost cause. It's all about Gore's "tipping point." You get enough people involved who actually care about things enough to step outside the stupid partison bickering, and you just might get something done. I hope!!