Tiny, tiny dogs!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors sat around fires with wolves and somehow this led to domesticated dogs. (I've never fully grasped the nuances of domestication.) This was a mutually beneficial relationship: we got dogs to do work for us, and the dogs got to do work for us. Everyone wins.
If you trace the history of humanity and the history of Canis domesticus, you will probably find that there is a close correlation (I can't say for sure because I'm sort of making this up as I go along) between the standard of living of both. People have forgotten that man created dogs to do things like guard the livestock and hunt birds and herd sheep. No one needs a dog anymore to do such things because we don't do these things (that's why man created corporate farming conglomerates). Dogs are becoming worthless, aside from being fuzzy companions...but that's why man created cats.
What have we done to the noble dog? We have bred him until he is the size of a small rat and put clothes on him. How is this even morally responsible?
Remember the once-valiant dog. He wouldn't have been caught dead in a jogging suit. I honestly am not that enamoured with real dogs, so you can only imagine how much I loathe this designer inbreed.
Comments on "Tiny, tiny dogs!"
Could this be something to do with Paris???
Completely and totally. I didn't want to bring up her name because I don't like to give her credit for anything...but I think she did do this to us...and them. :(
Speaking of the whore. They keep playing her song on the radio! I have such a headache!
When I first saw your title (before the slow computer at my office showed the pic of the dog) I thought you were referring to the dog in the Sunday edition of the Commercial Appeal. There is an entire article spanning two pages in the 'M' section about how wonderful 'teacup' dogs are. I think their owners have some serious attachment issues.
^^^ My exact inspiration! I read the whole thing last night and almost vomited. I was going to get into all the limo services and hotels for these pampered dogs but I decided to keep it short lest I throw up on my computer. :D
No. Plus dogs are slobbery and smell bad unless they are bathed regularly. I prefer animals that bathe themselves.
the whole dog in a bag thing really messes with my mind. Is this how grown up women get an excuse to play with dolls?
Proph girl, I've been given permission by brits to email you incessantly with nonsense whilst she is away. OK?
I'm with Simon, dogs in general are way too needy. Cats on the other hand always have their independence.
And about these dogs in particular, the police over here in Sweden are saying that the craze for them has caused problems with smuggled dogs from Eastern Europe with loads of diseases that we don't have over here, like rabies. And yep, I blame it ALL on Paris!!
bfs, I'm OK with that seeing as how I'm going to be pretending to be britpopbaby on many levels over the next two weeks. I'm sure you'll only add to the realism. :)
And Linna, wow, I never thought about a place where you didn't have rabies! Crazy! It's totally Paris' fault. One stupid dog (which she gave to her mother because she got tired of keeping up with it!!) and now you've got invasive diseases running rampant across Europe. Did I mention I hate her?
^^^ Heh. I know. I wasn't trying to be pornographic, but that was the first good picture I ran across and I went with it. Too much time looking at pampered dogs makes me nauseus.
God, I'm so behind on mu overpopulation news! I apologise.
I also have to admit I have one of these dogs - a shih tzu - although I'll have you know the shih is a noble creature, in China anyway, who used to locate lost mountain hikers in the snow.
I want a labrador though.
I'm sorry to knock your dog and all but whenever I hear "shih tzu" all I think is that the first syllable is "shit" and that pretty much describes my feelings regarding dogs of that size. We've got a border collie at home. He broke off all his teeth but we still feed him hard food. He also got maggots (ew!!!) and we had to shave all his hair. But he's the happiest dog you'd ever meet. I think I should write a blog entry about him.