Er, I clearly have not worked out a specific day on which I plan on publishing these quotes. Whatever. It's kind of a loose show around here. To prove that I'm not just a one-party kind of girl, I'd like to give a shout-out to my favorite Republican prez (obviously there were a few precipitous downfalls in the political system in the hundred and fifty years that followed, highly ironic considering the state of union during his stint in charge), Mr. Abraham Lincoln. A great man, he is known for holding the country together during the Civil War as well as for making cameos in several movies, Prophecy Girl's favorite being
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure ("Be excellent to each other. And PARTY ON, DUDES!"). Let's see what words of wisdom Abe has for us today...
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham LincolnNo doubt in reference to the Civil War, no doubt extremely relevant right now. Abe, I bow to you and your wisdom and can only imagine what you'd think of our country today.
Comments on "Dead President Quote of the Week: Honest Abe Edition!"
I've seen Mr. Abraham Lincoln in the bronze form or whatever he is made out of!
That quote is so true.
Great quote, it's how the lyrics of a Velvet Underground song say: "I know where the evil lies, it's inside your heart... Temptation is inside your heart".
I guess that's true of most countries, except those ones we like to bomb.
Britain has destroyed itself and so has every world power before it. America will be no different.
^^^ Harsh but true. We're a cynical lot, aren't we? No rose-colored glasses here...
I use my rose-coloured glasses for romantic and finicial situations only. The rest is straight up.
OK, that was scary. *shudder*
We've used computerized voting machines here in Shelby County for years, but I'm fairly certain they're not Diebold (I should check next time I vote). I consider them to be a little more trust-worthy since they were manufactured before the 2000 election, and thus before Republican-sponsored companies started making the machines. I'm not saying they're fool-proof, but there has to be a way to vote electronically and still be able to double-check the tallies!!!