Last week on my lunch break, I ran across a science almanac at a book store which I could not pass up because it was cheap and I'm a nerd. So I thought, hey, why not use my hump day blog entries on fun science facts! Yes! I can only imagine your inability to contain your excitement. This way, every Wednesday I will be able to distract you from the sad fact that you still have two full days of work until the weekend by introducing you to facts and figures so alarming you won't be able to think of anything else. I know, I'm too good to you guys!
This week in pollution...12 million people die every year from "poor sanitation and unclean water."
12 million! That's the country of
Belgium. Or the
combined populations of the United States' twelve least populated states. Good God. As if that wasn't enough, 3 million
more die from air pollution. That's
more than the population of Paris. Now, don't you feel enlightened? I'll be you can't
wait until next week! :)
Comments on "This Week in Crazy Statistics..."
Isn't this good if people are dying? Especially people in Paris? Not that I have a stereotypical anglo-franco vendetta...
Yeah, actually it does go against the theme to chastise people who are dying, doesn't it? Damn. Never though of that way. I should have geared it more towards Americans, like, 'hey, look how many people you're killing every year with your stupid SUV emissions' and then said something about there being too many SUV's. Man, I've got some bitterness issues... I think I'm supposed to hate France, too, but I don't really care.