Sometime in the vicinity of October, somewhere amongst the amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesty, America will welcome citizen number
300 million. THREE HUNDRED
MILLION. We net one person in this country every
14 seconds. I think Gerber's throwing some shindig but I didn't have time to get the scoop on this (every once in a while I have to do things at work that actually lead to a paycheck...I consider my source (Dad) to be more reliable than most internet news organizations anyway).
We're not going to be celebrating here at The OP Blog, though (that would be the royal "we"). Oh, no. It's not that we don't like babies, we just don't like the number 300,000,000. Unnatural number of zeroes, don't you think? That's a lot of America for the world the absorb, no matter how cute that Gerber kid is.
Comments on "Three Hundred Million Americans!!"
I don't hate people, you loser. I hate thinking that all mankind has achieved may be destroyed by the over-success of his existence. Why are you writing on my blog at 4 in the morning?
Ooooh, great blog idea! I need to find out how McDonald's there are in the world. Thanks!
Can't you start moving people out to the moon? Doesn't America own that? ;)